Testing Equipment for Plated Item

More than 50 years of experience in plastic chrome plating technology ,CYH. Professional plastic chrome plating services including bright, satin, trivalent, plastic chrome plating for various auto parts (truck covers, truck center cups, truck wheel simulators, truck grilles).

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44 Years Automotive Parts Plastic Chrome Plating Supplier - CYH

Located in Taiwan, Cherng Yi Hsing Plastic Plating Factory Co., Ltd., since 1969, is an automotive exterior and interior parts supplier. Professional plastic chrome plating services including bright, satin, trivalent, plastic chrome plating for various auto parts (truck covers, truck center cups, truck wheel simulators, truck grilles).

Plating on plastics, ISO/ IEC 17025 certified. Wide range of electroplating services including automotive parts, home appliances, motorcycle parts with one-stop service. 15,200 sq-ft and 22,000 sq-ft, plant and warehouse based in Taiwan and the U.S.A.

CYH has been providing high-quality plastic plating for the automotive industry, both with advanced chrome plating technology and large electroplating tanks, CYH ensures each client's demands are met.

Testing Equipment for Plated Item

Adhesion, Thickness and more Tests for Plated Items

More Precise, More Accurate Electroplating Performance

Metalizing plastic to meet world class clients' standards requires high level performance of each plated item. Besides visual observation, there are many tests that are conducted to assure the accuracy of plating.

CYH's one-stop production, from plastic (ABS, ABS/PC) purchasing, mold making and injection moulding, solution formula designing and plastic electroplating, in the end, all electroplated products must pass tests from various testing equipment in their IEC 17025 - TAF Lab Approved test lab. They are tests for corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, adhesion, thickness, coat appearance, etc.

Plating Thickness ↓ CASS Test ↓
Plastic Plating Testing Equipment Plastic Plating Testing Equipment
Sulfate Tester ↓ Micro-Porous Nickel ↓
Plastic Plating Testing Equipment Plastic Plating Testing Equipment
STEP Analvsis ↓ Thermal Cycle Test ↓
Plastic Plating Testing Equipment Plastic Plating Testing Equipment
Chipping Stone Test ↓ Cross Hatch Test ↓
Plastic Plating Testing Equipment Plastic Plating Testing Equipment 
Plating Test, Plating Adhesion Test, Thickness test
Bath Analysis ↓ Peel Strength ↓
Plastic Electroplating Testing Equipment Plastic Plating Testing Equipment
Gage Room ↓ Customer Property ↓
Gage Room - Customer Property Gage Room - Customer Property
MacBeth Light ↓
MacBeth Light